Monday, March 2, 2015

Pregnancy Rant

There are three things I dislike about being pregnant: people always asking how I am, people commenting on how big I’m getting and feeling the baby move.  I’m sure there will be more, but in 7 months, these bother me the most.

How are you feeling?  So suddenly because I’m carrying around a baby in my uterus you have to ask how I am all of the time?  Read a pregnancy book and assume that I’m feeling most of those symptoms.  No need to ask, so stop.

Oh you’re getting so big!  I absolutely hate this.  As a person with body image issues in general, do not point out to me that I’m expanding in such a way that I have no control over what grows.  Pregnant people get bigger; it’s a fact, stop pointing it out.  The only thing you are doing is making me even more self conscious.

I understand that feeling the baby move is a “good” thing, but I hate that feeling.  I have no control over when it happens, how long it happens for and unlike other bodily functions, no way to stop it.  At times the feeling makes me nauseous and like the wind got knocked out of me, but only in my gut.  Don’t ask to touch it (or just do it on your own) because I don’t want other people’s hands on my fat gut feeling something that I hate so I’m trying to ignore.

Disclaimer – this is how I feel.  I know others may feel the complete opposite, but I’m not writing about them, I’m writing about me so I don’t want to hear anything contrary to what I write.