Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wocka Wocka Wocka

As many Mariner fans now know, Don Wakamatsu is now the new Mariner’s manager. While most people could use the google to find his biography, see past job performance and compare whether or not his “style” is something that has proven to work, I find more comfort from reading one specific article from the Seattle PI.

If you are too lazy to click the link and read, I will give you a quick synopsis. He has a rabbit named Dexter. The rabbit attends his son’s baseball games. They also have a 6 year old shelter dog named Asia. Asia is a border collie/German Sheperd mix*. When they got her they thought she was too hyper and took her back to the shelter. After sleeping with guilt for a night, they went back and had to pay the fee again to get her back.

*Another trip to the google using the images feature can produce an assortment of possible dipictions of the dog. (Using border collie and German shepherd as the search term)

Note: There are a few more paragraphs in there about other things not dog or bunny related. I felt they weren’t as important.

For more on the google see what Bush has to say. If uncertain about the internet, please refer to Former Senator Ted Stevens.

1 comment:

Faceplant said...

It's too bad Senator Stevens illustrious career has gone straight down... oh, let's say a series of tubes.