Thursday, July 29, 2010

School Update

Better late than never right? Well, I finished Spring quarter with all A's (hey, an A- is still an A) and I am taking 2 summer classes. One of the classes is online "business and labor relations" which isn't a challenge, but still required for a degree. The other "class" I'm taking is cooperative education where I spend time each week at an internship and write on the discussion board what happened that week or answer a question related to work. I'm only required to take 1 credit which is 30 hours...yes, 3 hours a week. I got an amazing internship in Administrative Technology at Highline and I generally spend between 6 and 10 hours a week there.

I absolutely love my internship! Not only are my co-workers awesome and I'll walk in the door and everybody makes sure to tell you there is some sort of baked good in the break room, but I'm actually putting what I learned in school to use. My teacher told us the first quarter I was in school that we would do IP addressing out our ears...that is so true! I've also done a lot of things that I haven't learned in class and it's really cool. I learned how to image the new iMacs and get them ready for delivery to the faculty. Since I am the only intern (out of 2) that knows how to do it, my supervisor made a comment that I have "job security." I won't get all boring with details of exactly what I do, but I enjoy it.

Since I have the internship at the school, I'll be "working" there until I graduate (I'm only getting credit this quarter because it's required, I don't want to pay to work). Hopefully I'll not only gain lots of experience, but make some good contacts and have some references for when I actually look for a job.

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