Monday, June 18, 2007

Random Drug Tests

I’ve got some issues with the welfare system. I strongly agree that those on welfare should have random drug tests. I know a person who continued to have children so she could get more money to support her habit. Her 4 children lived in the car with her. Unfortunately the state ruled in the mom’s favor to keep one of the children. The child was 2 ½ and only knew 3 words. He kept to himself and never looked anybody in the eye. After 3 months with his hopeful adoptive parents, he spoke, smiled and played like a kid should.

I got into a debate with Jeremy about this subject. He makes a point that moms not on welfare do drugs and they don’t get random drug tests. To that I say, yes, but they also don’t need the state to assist them in paying for their habit. They have their own way of supporting it. I don’t deny that she could still be a bad mother because she’s always drugged out.

Then there’s the idea that there are good people out there not trying to abuse the system. Unfortunately in this day, most people try to work the system. If there are random drug tests and the person comes out clean, what is there to worry about? One bad apple does ruin the bunch.

1 comment:

Watty said...

I agree. Test 'em. And while you're at it, sterilize 'em.