Friday, December 19, 2008

OTR: December Storm edition

Snow may result in the excessive consumption of hot cocoa, but it also brings the stupid drivers. My On The Red this month will focus on those stupid drivers.

1. Just because you have one or more of the following; an SUV/Truck, snow tires, chains and/or 4 wheel drive, doesn't mean you can drive 60 mph even if that is the posted speed limit.

2. Don't ride my tail because I'm being cautious when the roads are icy. You may be at fault for the accident, but I still don't have the money to pay for repairs until your insurance company coughs up the dough.

3. I don't care that the sand/de-icer truck has been down the street, ice and snow does accumulate.

4. I understand stopping takes a bit more finesse during these conditions, but don't go 30 mph down an obviously unkempt hill and not even make an effort to warn other drivers that you are indeed going to blast through the solid red light like a liquid explosion.

To those who actually drive extra cautiously in the snow and those who just stay inside, thank you for being safe and smart.

To those who think driving in snow is the same as driving while eating an ice cream cone (because it too is chilly), I hope you find yourself in a ditch...with minor car damage...not too much, just enough for me to laugh at you without feeling guilty.

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