Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Minus 15 Cool Points

As a few of you know I dislike facebook and also twitter. Facebook isn't nearly as bad as twiter in my opinion, but still very annoying. My problem with twitter is that it is a way for people to tell people what is going on in their lives every single minute.

"I just woke up"
"I have to go to the store, cook dinner and be home in time for American Idol"
"My dog just licked its butt"
"There is a fly in my house and I don't know where the swatter is"

I DON'T CARE! That is just creepy stalkerish. Facebook allows you to do the same type of thing, but people don't post their daily activities every 3 minutes.

Jeremy just called to tell me that my Ryan Rowland-Smith is using twitter. He just lost 15 cool points.

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