Saturday, March 14, 2009

OTR: Gym edition

This month’s OTR was originally intended for January, but due to my delightful trip to Anaheim, I pushed this one back a few months. In October 2008 I started going to the gym again after a year and a half hiatus. I was quite proud of myself because I’d go 2-4 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes, but usually about an hour. I even took advantage of a class! I’m sad to say that I haven’t been to the gym since late February because I ran out of personal training sessions and I got sick. However, during my time at the gym I discovered some distasteful trends. The following observations are in no particular order.

1. People who grunt when they lift weights.
1a. People who grunt louder and louder with each repetition.

2. This outfit choice: black shoes, white crew socks (not folded down), short black shorts and a black, usually, “muscle shirt” stretched so far down along the sides that the only purpose is to have cloth covering their nipples. All of this on a guy.

3. People who wear muscle shirts who have as much muscle as an average 12 year old boy.

4. People who wear 80’s style clothing…ladies…

5. The group of 2-4 guys who stand in front of the mirror, usually in poofy vests, checking themselves out and not lifting a single weight for at least 30 minutes, if not more.

6. People who use the more popular machines, but fart right before they leave so the rest of us have to use another machine or marinate in the stink.

7. Women who wander around the locker room naked, not just to their locker from the shower. I don’t want to share the mirror with you while you check yourself out and do your hair. At least wear a towel!*

8. People who either don’t wear deodorant or at least need to get some clinical strength stuff if they are going to work that hard.

Major props to the “old” guy who is the only male in the “Kickbox Cardio” class. Way to impress that ladies.

*I can’t speak for the men’s locker room in this case.

1 comment:

Faceplant said...

I got one...

People who's BO could send a large camel into convulsions...
