- The only clock that is ticking is the "I want to get married" clock.
- There is a difference between not wanting my own kids and not wanting to be around kids.
- As I have aged, I have come up with better (in my mind) reasoning about why I don't want kids.
- I have felt this way for as long as I can remember and I fail to see how my mind will change "when I see my friends having kids." My friends do have kids or are having kids. I still don't want kids of my own.
I can't think of anything else off of the top of my head as far as possible criticisms are concerned, so you may voice your opinion....................................now.
You are right Jen, dogs do give just as much love, if not more than kids! They are ALWAYS happy to see you when you get home, and totally forget about the fact that you beat them for stealing food off the table in a mere matter of minutes. On top of that, you will always be their Mommy, and they will always want to be around you, while kids eventually go through the "I hate my parents" phase and then move out of the "nest" shortly there-after. Plus, isn't your brother procreating??? Good enough, right? You get to be the super cool Aunt that gets them all hopped up on sugar and Mountain-Dew then sends them home once they start spinning in circles! Just because you are confident with your decisions in life and know yourself well doesn't mean you should be criticized for not wanting human kids...fur kids are just as good :)
I like your post Jen! I hate when people pressure you to get married, have a kid, then tell you to have another one the day you give birth. Then tell you to get a job and make money and pay someone else to raise your kids. WTF?? You know what you want, and we definitely are not in a population deficeit. Don't let anyone pressure you. Besides, you have Tristan to hang out with, and let's be honest, it doesn't get much better than him.
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