Monday, August 10, 2009

Ryan Rowland-Smith

So before the 2009 baseball season even started, I made Jeremy promise to take me to Ryan Rowland-Smith's first home start. His first two starts were on the road, then he got hurt and didn't play for a while. We did go see some of his starts while he was rehabbing in Tacoma (yay). He was scheduled to start in Seattle on July 24. I thought that would be an awesome game because it would be my half birthday (good present). Except, I worked until 7 and it was Franklin Gutierrez bobble head night so the tickets would most likely be sold out, not to mention parking would be ridiculous. So we didn't go. His next start was on the road. Then I found out he would be doing a Q & A on 8/11. I found out a few days after I confirmed my attendance at a party and I can't back out on a friend. Great, I'll miss another opportunity to see him.
After months of waiting, Ryan was going to start August 9 at Safeco. I was stoked. I wanted to show up early so I could watch him warm up before the game. Jeremy and I took the *light rail to Seattle...along with 75 other Mariner fans so we had to wait in line for 45 minutes to get tickets. We got to Safeco eventually and picked the SLOWEST TICKET LINE IN HISTORY! So when did we get to our seats? Barely after first pitch. This meant I never got to see Ryan warm up. So when is his next start? Friday and guess who works until 7 again. I am very frustrated.

*Light rail side note. Way easier to go to games. It cost $9 each to go round trip to Safeco (well, 1 block away). We normally pay $20 for parking and have to wait at least 45 minutes in traffic to get to the 5. We saved money, time and gas!

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