Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seriously Now

This has been bugging me for a while. Myspace comes out and it wasn't until I met Jeremy (3 years ago) that I actually got a myspace account. Why? So I could converse with him. For a while, it was nice, then all of my friends "didn't have the time."
So facebook came out and most of my friends from myspace were converting to a program that isn't user friendly and crashes computers. So I got an account. Now all people do is write pointless updates about how they are sitting, which pant leg they put on first this morning and send random happy-grams that require an installation of a new (and pointless) app.
So I started a blog a while back, didn't write for a few years, then decided I should start up again. Cool, some of my friends made blogs. But now, they don't write except once every few months (if that).

Seriously now, I'm sick of getting new accounts for 'social networking' and people ditching them like a bad date.

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