Friday, November 13, 2009

Hopped Up On NyQuil

I caught the cold that Jeremy had last week. No, it is not the Bacon Achen. But I do think I might be on my death bed.

Yesterday, mom and I took Wally to the dog park. He ran for 40 minutes straight and that boy can run! Silly me thinking that him running for 40 minutes would tire him out and he would go to sleep. No, he was still excited from the dog park and fought going to sleep

I texted my brother today to tell him that we should go diving soon, but I'm sick right now so we'll have to wait a bit. He replied back and said "you guys have the immune system of an aids patient...all your white cells have to do are look the rhinovirus in the eye and poke it. can't fight blind right?" I almost died laughing at work.

Here is more random texts he's sent me while he was working swing shift.

"ya comcast gave us the ability to speak to the hell do i return that? the only word my dogs know is "sausage". "

"my yakisoba is better than yours. i could teach you, but i have to charge."

My grandpa also believes that eating Mexican food makes you as short as he is. Why you ask. Because all of the Mexicans he has seen have been short.

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