Monday, February 16, 2009

Angry Doesn't Begin to Explain...

I was going to write my mildly lighthearted post for OTR today, but something happened and I have nothing but pure anger running through my veins. Sometime last night between 2 am and whenever my dad woke up this morning (before 9 am), delinquents vandalized my car. A large rock was thrown at the back window of my car shattering the window into itty bitty pieces and denting part of the frame around the window. My dad was talking to another guy and his car was hit by a rock too. They threw a rock at his car and it bounced off the door and took off his side view mirror. Dad reported the incident to the police, but I'm sure the vandals will never be caught, or at least won't be connected to this incident.
Not a great way to wake up. So much for washing my car inside and out, changing the oil and bringing Jeremy a milkshake. I just hope that someone will take a rock, the same size that was thrown at my car, and smash their face(s) in with it and see how they like their body vandalized.
Oh and USA network kept losing signal while I was trying to recover the day by watching the all day NCIS marathon. Maybe next month I'll do my post about the gym that I wanted to do in January.

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