Monday, February 16, 2009

I love him to pieces, but...

Valentines Day made me realize how badly Jeremy and/or I need to move out (and Jeremy needs a working car).* I woke up at 8am to get ready for work. Yes, I had to work even though I requested the day off. About 5 people came into work and I had 3 phone calls. I spent the majority of the day looking at pictures and watching videos on, which is an AWESOME website. Jeremy was unable to come to my work due to his dad doing other things which meant that I had a diet shake for lunch. I was anticipating him bringing me lunch, but brought the diet shake in case of emergency.
I got done with work and dropped Tobby off at home and Jeremy told me to come over because he was making dinner for me. When I got to his house I got many kisses from Wally and when he was done, Jeremy too. We exchanged cards and he felt a little bad because Fred Meyer didn't have a good selection of cards (this has been confirmed by 2 other people). He got me the Madagascar 2 movie, but he wasn't able to find the one with the Penguin 2 movie. I felt terrible because I wasn't as excited as I should have been (we went to Target Sunday night and he bought me the correct movie). Back to dinner. He made me fettuccine alfredo and garlic bread. The fettuccine was a garlic flavored, delicious, and the garlic bread was phenomenal, Fred Meyer uses a delicious spread. The sauce however, well, I love Jeremy. He wanted to make it from scratch and didn't notice the comments on the recipe that said use fresh grated cheese so he used the prepackaged cheese. The cheese never melted down which didn't assist in the thickening of the sauce. The flavor was good though, we'll make it again, but with good cheese. We ate our dinner on tv trays in the living room while we watched tv with his parents. This is when I realized we needed to move out and Jeremy needs a vehicle.
Oh, I told Jeremy that his gift was tickets to Mariners opening day, but the tickets aren't on sale yet. He said while at the game, he'll pay for my food and buy me an opening day t-shirt.

*That sentence was grammatically difficult for me and I still don't know if I should have used "me" or "I" in that situation.

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